February 4, 2010

February Facts

JenniferBy Jennifer Kohel

Monthly Observances

American Heart Month
International Boost Self-Esteem Month
National Laugh-Friendly Month
National Mend a Broken Heart Month
National Pet Dental Health Month
XXI Olympics

Weekly Observations

Women’s Heart Week February 1-7
Boy Scout Anniversary Week February 3-9
Celebration of Love Week February 10-16
Random Acts of Kindness Week February 12-15
Alzheimers and Dementia Awareness Week February 14-21
International Friendship Week February 17-23
American Crossword Puzzle Week February 26-28

Daily Observances

February 1st Freedom Day
February 2nd Groundhog Day
February 4th World Cancer Day
February 7th Daytona Pole Day
February 7th Super Bowl XLIV
February 8th Boy Scout Anniversary Day
February 12th Lincoln’s Birthday
February 14th Chinese New Year
February 14th Daytona 500
February 14th Valentine’s Day
February 15th President’s Day
February 16th Mardi Gras ends at midnight
February 17th Ash Wednesday
February 20th Clam Chowder Day
February 22nd Washington’s Birthday
February 26th Levi Strauss Day
February 28th National Tooth Fairy Day