February 2, 2011
Calendar of Events – February 2011
Support Groups and Informational Seminars
Quad Cities Alzheimer’s Association Please call Jerry Schroeder at 563-324-1022 or 800-272-3900 for more information about
Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters: free Alzheimer’s program, Wednesday, February 9, Bettendorf Library, Bettendorf, IA. The Alzheimer’s Association’s free, educational program Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters will be held Wednesday, February 9 at Bettendorf Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf, IA. 52722 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Attendees will learn about the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s through interactive video and live presentation.
Jerry Schroeder, program specialist for the Alzheimer’s Association, said this interactive workshop features video clips of people with Alzheimer’s disease and offers facts to anyone experiencing memory loss or behavioral changes.
Schroeder said, “Early detection and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease gives individuals the power to make choices about their own health. It offers a chance to begin drug therapy, enroll in clinical studies, and plan for the future.”
Registration is requested to reserve program materials by Wednesday, February 2. To register for this program or for more information contact Jerry at the Alzheimer’s Association Davenport office at (563) 324-1022.
Aphasic Support Group Genesis The Aphasic Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 2 to 3 p.m. at Genesis Plaza in Bettendorf. Please call Genesis On Call at 563-421-2000 or 800-383-2575 for more information.
QC Breast CancerSupport Group (Iowa): First Tuesday of each month, 7-9 pm downstairs Trinity at Terrace Park, 4500 Utica Ridge Road, Bettendorf. (Illinois):Third Wednesday of each month, noon luncheon at Butterworth Center, 1105-8th Street, Moline For women dealing with breast cancer or survivors of breast cancer. You may attend either one or both. Cost: None. Information: call Pat Conway @563-355-7548 0r Barb Lynch @563-332-9041
CASI Caregiver Support Group: Second Monday of each month 11am- 1pm, CASI, 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport. Hosted by Susan Kivisto, from Alternatives for Older Adults & Karen Coats, from Generations Agency on Aging. Cost: none
Diabetes Support Group at Genesis: First Tuesday of each month, 11:00AM to Noon, Larson Center, Genesis Medical Center, Illini Campus, Silvis, IL Recommended for people with diabetes who are interested in receiving help with diabetes self-management. Cost: none. Registration: 309-792-4389
Grief Support Group – CASI 1035 W Kimberly Road 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 9:30-11:00 Hosted by Vicky Ertel. Donation accepted
Parkinson’s Support Group February 19, 10:00 to noon. Low Vision Support Group at CASI: the first Thursday of every month at CASI, 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, facilitated by Lilah Bell (Call 563-386- 7477 Ext. 231 for details or to register) Anyone with vision problems is welcome to attend.
The VIP (Visually Impaired People) Support Group is facilitated by Al Ayew-ew of the Center for Independent Living, meets the first Tues. of every month at 2:00 at Lighthouse as Silvis-1900 10th St., Silvis, IL. (Call Heather at 309-792-2800 for details or to register)
Stroke Support Group Genesis The Stroke Support Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Genesis Plaza in Bettendorf. Please call Genesis On Call at 563-421-2000 or 800-383-2575 for more information www.genesishealth.com/
Blood Pressure Checks at CASI Available in Genesis office: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 12:30- 3:30. Dr. Lynn Boelger will do blood pressure checks on Mondays from 12:30- 2:00 p.m. in the Fitness Center.
Dancing and Dance Classes
Line Dancing at CASI – every Tuesday morn 9:00 to 11:00 Cost: $2.00
Polka Club of Iowa, Inc. – Eastern Chapter Dance at Walcott, Coliseum, Walcott, IA. 1:30-5:30 P.M. Sunday, February 13, 2011 Admission $8:00 per person. Dance to Jerry Beauchamp Band from Crawfordville, IA. For more information, call 563-285-5989
YOGA, Gentle Exercise, and Aquatic Exercise
Gentle Exercise at CASI 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport. Jan Dorgan, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 – 10:00 am. Call 386-7477 for more information.
Gentle Yoga at CASI Mondays, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Certified Instructor: Meg Bolich. Cost: $30 for 6 weeks.
Chair Yoga at CASI – Mondays 2:30 – 3:30 Certified Instructor: Meg Bolich Cost: $30 for 6 weeks.
Laughing Yoga – new at CASI – Thursdays, February 17th & 24th 9:30 am – 10:15. Laughing Yoga enhances people’s quality of life. It helps reduce depression and stress, promotes relaxation, improves sleep, strengthens relationships and produce a general sense of well-being. Laughing is beneficial in cases of heart disease, depression, atherosclerosis and respiratory ailments such as asthma and high blood pressure — it even boosts protection during cold and flu season. And much more… 2011 Free Class taught by certified instructor from Senior Star.
Zumba Gold Class – will meet every Wednesday from 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. Everyone can do it. It’s lower impact, easy to follow steps, Latin inspired dance fitness party. Come try Zumba Gold.! Sign up at the front desk for class. Pay $2.00 fee at each class. For more info call 386-7477.
Tai Chi Wednesdays 10:30 – 11:30 Six week session starts February 2. Scott Caulpetzer instructor. Cost, $18.00 Call 386-7477 for more information.
Book Clubs, Movies, Theater Trips and Speakers
Cuban Essence, an exciting new sound out of Chicago performing Friday, Feb. 18 at Deere-Wiman House. This event is part of the Fridays at Deere-Wiman House series funded by the William Butterworth Memorial Trust and is part of the Quad City Arts Visiting Artist Series. Cuban Essence, 3 p.m., Friday, Feb. 18, Deere-Wiman House, 817 11th Avenue, Moline, Ill. Admission: free; refreshments following. For more information, call (309) 743-2701; www.butterworthcenter.com.
Talk of the Town at CASI, 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA. Wednesday February 16 with speaker James Schebler “Buildings and Activities in the Early Davenport Schools: 1858 to 1925. Pizza lunch served at 11:15 am. Reservations needed – limited to 75 people. Sponsored by GolderCare Solutions.
Book Club at CASI Lead by Mary Anne Maxwell,
February 4: Midnight Assassin: A Murder in America’s Heartland by Patricia Bryan and Thomas Wolf; March 4: A Body to Bones by Donan Berg [Note: Donan is a member of the CASI book club]. 10:00 a.m. – Noon, Cost: $2
Movie Matinee at CASI 2nd Tuesday of the month, starting at 1:00 pm . $2.00 donation includes popcorn and treats. February 8, 2011 Secretariat. Call 386-7477 for more information.
Travelogue at CASI – Spectacular Lands and Wondrous Waters
A Wedding Cruise on the Mediterranean with Elmer Brunk, February 14, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. A wedding ceremony on the Mississippi River turned world-wide as the post-wedding trip took us to the Mediterranean for a 15 day cruise with the Plus 60 group from the Quad Cities region. Though brief, we covered some ten countries and protectorates. Hot weather and crowded tourist sites made this an interesting trip. We discovered that getting lost in a foreign country and strange city without command of the native language can prove an interesting experience while exposing one to sites uncommon to the tourist trade.
Ballet Quad Cities – Love Stories Tickets On Sale Now! Love Stories 2010 was one of our most popular performances of all time! So it’s back with new choreography by five different choreographers, eclectic music and both new and old love stories to tell. Grab someone you love and join us for an evening of amazing dance. What: Love Stories – a performance of mixed repertoire Who: Ballet Quad Cities. Where: Holzworth Performing Arts Center, North High School, 626 West 53rd Street Davenport, IA. When: February 12th at 2:00pm; February 12th at 8:00pm; February 13th at 4:00pm Ticket Prices: Adult – $22 – Senior – $15 Students & Children – $10. How: Tickets can be purchased online at www.midwestix.com by clicking on the Ballet Quad Cities link in the left column or by calling (515) 244.2771 with a credit card. Tickets can also be purchased at the door, starting one hour prior to the performance by check or cash only.
Clinics and Classes
Genesis VNA Foot Clinics at CASI By appt only. 1st Thurs. 1:00–4:00 pm; 2nd Mon. 9:00–11:00 am; 3rd Mon. 9:00–11:00 am & 1:00–3:00 pm; 4TH Tues. 1:00-3:00 pm; 4th Fri. 9:00–11:00 am. Call Dee at 563-320-3978 to schedule. Cost $20.00.
Trinity VNHA foot care clinics cleaning, clipping and filing of the nails and a lotion massage to the calves and feet. $25 cash or check only foot care. VNHA office, 106 19th Ave., Suite 101, Moline:1-4 p.m., first Tuesday; 12:30-3:30 p.m., second Thursday; 9 a.m. to noon, third Friday; 12:30-3:30 p.m., fourth Friday, Appointments: (309) 779-7600. Enrichment Center, 4622 Progress Drive, Suite A, Davenport, IA 1-4 p.m., second Wednesday, Appointments: (309) 779-7600. Senior Star, 4502 Elmore Avenue, Davenport. Call for appointment: (309) 779-7600.
SHIIP (Senior Health Insurance Information Program) Clinic at CASI, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Genesis Office, 9:00–11:00 a.m.
Alternatives for the Older Adult (Brown Bag Lunch and Learn series) February 25th 12 pm– 1pm. Responding to and Understanding Difficult Behaviors of Person’s with Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias. Presenter: Jerry Schroder, Alzheimer’s Association, March 25th 12 pm– 1 pm The Nursing Home Decision, Presenter Susan Kivisto, M.S.W. All presentations will be held at Alternative’s Moline Office, 1803 7th St. Moline, IL. Please RSVP to Ellen Berberich at least 2 days prior to the presentation you would like to attend by calling 309-277-0167. Presentations are free to the public!
Sports, Cards and Games
Shuffleboard at CASI: Monday 2:15–3:45pm $2 for Member. Mary Anne Maxwell
Billiards at CASI Cost $1 per person Member. Call 386-7477 for info and availability
Wii at CASI Play Wii sports. The Wii is free!! Up to 4 players available whenever room is open.
Ping Pong at CASI! Free. 2 or 4 players available whenever room is open.
Cards at CASI – Pinochle – Monday, Tuesday,, Wednesday & Friday, – 1:00 – 3:45; Bridge – Monday and Friday 12:30 – 3:45; Euchre – Thursday and Friday 1:00 – 3:45; Canasta – Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00; Cribbage – Wednesday 1:00 – 3:00. All games are $2 Member at Center for Active Seniors, Inc. (CASI) 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Call CASI at 386-7477 for more info.
Bingo at CASI Fridays at 12:30 pm. Sandwiches and snacks available at Eleanor’s Café. Until 1:00 pm.
Arts, Crafts, Knitting and Sewing
Beginning Ceramics at CASI Monday 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Verdene Franklin Member cost:$5 per class.
All Day Beginning and Advanced Ceramics 9:30 a.m. – Noon- Lunch – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. with Dar Hanssen Cost: $5.00 per class in the morning, $8.00 all day Class size is limited. Call CASI at 386-7477 for more information.
Crochet and Knitting at CASI – Tuesdays 12:30 – 2:20 Make hats, scarves and mittens to be donated. We will teach beginners to crochet September 7, 14, and 21.
Sewing Ugly Quilts at CASI 1035 W Kimberly Road Every Tue 8-11 No charge
Donna Dewberry One-Stroke Painting at CASI With Betty Felder, Mondays, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Feb. 7 – Roses and Leaves; Feb. 14 – Daisy and Leaves; Feb. 28 – Hydrangea and Leaves; Mar. 7 – Sunflower and Leaves. Students supply stones – check ahead of class about supplies needed. Member cost: $4 per class, Non-Member cost: $6 per class Other supplies as needed provided by class. Class size is limited.
Art Classes at CASI with Paul Aglueseva – General Drawing Class. Draw with pencil, ink, oil pastels, charcoal, and water colors.
Wednesdays through Feb. 23, 10:30 a.m. – Noon. Members: $5 per classes, Non-members: $9 each class. Clay Hand Building. Class teaches fundamental and advanced methods of working with ceramic clay in pottery, sculpture, and wall plaques. Thursdays through Feb. 24, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m., Members: $5 per classes. Non-members: $9 each class.
Other Events
The Redstone Room @ River Music Experience – Monday February 7, 2011 – Fitz and The Tantrums With their hip soul sound and Motownesque feel, The River Music Experience is excited to bring LA soul-poppers, Fitz and The Tantrums to the Redstone Room on Monday, February 7. The dapper bunch has been making waves throughout LA for the past several months, packing venues and getting everyone dancing. In just a year or so, soulsters Fitz and the Tantrums went from the living room to the main stage. The recipe for meteoric success? Six killer musicians, five dapper suits, irresistible songs, some serendipity and one vintage organ. For more information, contact: Kate Benson, Director of Entertainment, River Music Experience, Phone: 563-326-1333 ext. 101
Live Music for Brunch at Brady Street Chop House – Every Sunday 10 am – 1 pm February 6 – Manny Lopez Trio, February 13 – Five Bridges Jazz Band, (pending) February 20- Terry Hanson Ensemble, February 27 Anthony Catalfano Quartet–at the Brady Street Chop House at RADISSON QUAD CITY PLAZA Phone: 563-322-2200 Website: http://www.radisson.com/davenport-hotel-ia-52801/iadaven
River Music Experience Announces New Senior Music Series
The River Music Experience (RME) is excited to announce its brand new Senior Music Series. The series will feature a variety of musical talent that will include jazz, big bands, and even a Senior Citizen prom. Concerts will run from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held on the second floor of the RME. Admission to each show is $7 for non-members, $5 for RME members and for groups of ten or more. From big band jazz to 50’s rock, the new series will be a fantastic addition to the diverse musical opportunities provided by RME. “The Senior Concert Series at RME is an wonderful new addition to our programming, and compliments our mission to serve as a music center for the entire community,” said Ellis Kell, Director of Programming & Community Outreach.
“The RME is always looking for ways to engage people of all ages in our community,” said Jean Bahls, RME Controller, who created the new concert series for seniors. “The Senior Concert Series gives us a wonderful opportunity to connect with seniors and provide them with new and interesting musical education and entertainment.”
The Senior Music Series is made possible by the generous sponsorship of Senior Star at Elmore Place.
Concert Schedule
Tuesday, February 22: 50’s Band
Tuesday, April 26: Jazz Band
Tuesday, June 28: Senior Citizen Prom
Tickets are available at Mojo’s only or by contacting Ellis Kell at 563-326-1333 ext. 113
Scott County Extension Education Women’s Conference
Overall Women Conference set for February 10 & 11 in Bettendorf
Women involved in or affected by agriculture are invited to attend the seventh annual Overall Women Conference, February 10-11, 2011. The conference, coordinated by Iowa State University Extension, will be held at the Isle Casino Hotel in Bettendorf. Workshop sessions will be offered covering such topics as farm business, value-added agriculture, tax help, ag safety and family communication. In making time for the “overall” woman, attendees will benefit themselves, their families, farms and communities. The conference provides opportunities for women to connect and interact with speakers and fellow attendees. There will be many opportunities for networking. The programs are geared to those who work in agribusiness as well as farm partners working on farms. To view the entire program, visit www.extension.iastate.edu/scott/news/overallwomen or contact your local county extension office for information. Register by mail, online or by calling 563-359-7577.
Want your organization or event listed on this page? Send information to us by email to:
(Information due by the 10th of each month!)
Filed Under: Community, Featured, News
Tags: Behavioral Changes, Bettendorf Ia, Breast Cancer, Campus Dr, First Tuesday, Free Educational Program, Group Genesis, Informational Seminars, Interactive Workshop, Jerry Schroeder, Memory Loss, Noon Luncheon, Pat Conway, Program Materials, Program Specialist, Street Moline, Terrace Park, Utica Ridge Road, Warning Signs, Workshop Features
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