June 6, 2013
When Should I Get a Hearing Test?
By Tiffany Meier, Au.D., CCC-A
Audiology Consultants, P.C.
This is a very good question. It may seem as though this question has a very obvious answer, with the answer being that you should have a hearing test if you are having trouble hearing, and yes, this answer is correct. However, there are several other situations that may indicate the need for a hearing test. Some of the most common indicators are outlined below.
• Difficulty hearing or communicating in quiet or in noise
• Sudden change in hearing
• Family history of hearing loss
• History of or current occupational/recreational noise exposure
• Trauma to the head or ear
• Chronic ear infections
• Ear pain, pressure or popping sensations
• Persistent tinnitus
• Acute or chronic dizziness
If any of the above mentioned symptoms or situations apply to you, it is recommended that you see your primary care physician to determine if it would be in your best interest to have your hearing evaluated. On that note, please be aware that Medicare requires a written referral for medically necessary audiology testing.
According the American Academy of Audiology (AAA), “approximately 36 million Americans suffer from hearing loss” and “more than half of the people with hearing loss are younger than age 65.” Undiagnosed hearing loss can negatively impact an individual’s social and emotional well-being (AAA). Therefore, it is essential that hearing loss be identified as early as possible so that the appropriate treatment plan may be implemented.
Resource: American Academy of Audiology (audiology.org)
Tiffany Meier is an audiologist at Audiology Consultants, P.C. For more information consult our ad in this publication for store locations and phone numbers.
Filed Under: Featured, Health & Wellness
Tags: Aaa, American Academy Of Audiology, Audiologist, Best Interest, Care Physician, Ccc, Chronic Dizziness, Chronic Ear Infections, Ear Pain, Good Question, Having Trouble Hearing, Hearing Test, Loss History, Noise Exposure, People With Hearing Loss, Recreational Noise, Sensations, Store Locations, Sudden Change, Tinnitus
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