June 6, 2013
YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY Davenport, Iowa Office
By Linda Clayton-Powell
Social Security District Manager
Davenport, Iowa
In June, we celebrate National Family Month, which is a great time to reflect on your family and how to make it stronger. As the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reminds us, strong families share many valuable qualities: trust, commitment, communication, growth, affection, fun, and love.
Strong families are more likely to grow through a crisis, allowing the difficult experience to bring them even closer together.
In the unfortunate event of a family member’s death, we want you to know that Social Security is here to help. In addition to the emotional difficulty family members’ experience, there is often a financial burden as well, especially if the family’s main wage earner dies. In such cases, Social Security survivors benefits will help.
Did you know that nearly every child in America could get Social Security survivors benefits if a working parent dies? In addition, Social Security pays more benefits to children than any other federal program. Although many people think Social Security is just a retirement program, you should know that Social Security also provides survivors insurance benefits for workers and their families. If you are like most people, the value of the survivors insurance you have under Social Security is probably more than the value of any individual life insurance you may own. In addition, you do not even need to sign up for a separate policy; by working and paying Social Security tax, you are most likely already insured without even knowing it.
Family members who may be able to receive survivors benefits based on your work record include a widow or widower, unmarried children up to age 19 and still in high school, and under certain circumstances, stepchildren, grandchildren, step grandchildren, adopted children, and dependent parents.
If you would like to learn more about survivors’ benefits, and how to apply, you should read our publication, Survivors Benefits, available at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs. You can find additional useful information, such as our survivors’ planner and information about how to apply for survivors benefits, at www.socialsecurity.gov/pgm/survivors.htm.
This Father’s Day, you may be inclined to spend some quality time with Dad, maybe take him out camping or
fishing. However, try to make sure that nobody else tries to “phish” with you or your father. These days, all people (including fathers and sons) need to be cautious of scams — Internet, mail, and even phone scams — which can damage your credit score and wallet. Scam artists have become shrewd. Any time someone asks for your personal information, you should be wary. Particularly cruel are swindlers who target Social Security beneficiaries.
As a rule of thumb, Social Security will not call or email you for your personal information such as your Social Security number or banking information. If someone contacts you and asks for this kind of information and claims to be from Social Security, do not give out your personal information without first contacting Social Security to verify the validity of the
person contacting you. It could be an identity thief on the other end phishing for your personal information. Just call the local Social Security office or Social Security’s toll-free number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).
If you receive a suspicious call, please report it to the Fraud Hotline. Reports may be made online at www.socialsecurity.gov/fraudreport/oig/public_fraud_reporting/form.htm or by telephone at 1-800-269-0271 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please include the following details:
• The alleged suspect(s) and victim(s) names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers
• Description of the fraud and the location where the fraud took place
• When and how the fraud was committed
• Why the person committed the fraud (if known)
• Who else has knowledge of the potential violation?
Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in America. If you, your father, or anyone you know has been the victim of an identity thief, the place to contact is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at www.idtheft.gov. Or, call 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338); TTY 1-866-653-4261.
Some people who receive Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are victimized by misleading advertisers. Such companies offer Social Security services for a fee, even though the same services are available directly from Social Security free of charge. Especially upsetting are such ads that make it appear as though the ad has come directly from Social Security. By law, such advertisements must indicate that the company is not affiliated with Social Security.
If you or your dad see what you believe is misleading advertising for Social Security services from a company that does not admit it is not affiliated with Social Security, send the complete mailing, including the envelope, to: Office of the Inspector General, Fraud Hotline, Social Security Administration,
P.O. Box 17768, Baltimore, MD 21235. Also, advise your State’s attorney general or consumer affairs office and the Better Business Bureau. You can visit the Office of the Inspector General online at http://oig.ssa.gov and select the “Fraud, Waste, or Abuse” link. Learn more about identity theft at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/10064.html. Read about misleading advertising at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/10005.html.
Finally, while you are enjoying the right kind of fishing with Dad this Father’s day, you may want to tell him about Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs. If your father is covered by Medicare and has limited income and resources, he may be eligible for Extra Help — available through Social Security — to pay part of his monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments. We estimate that the Extra Help is worth about $4,000 per year. That kind of savings buys a lot of bait and tackle. Learn more at www.socialsecurity.gov/prescriptionhelp.
Filed Under: Finance, Retirement
Tags: Davenport Iowa, Dependent Parents, Emotional Difficulty, Financial Burden, Health And Human Services, Individual Life Insurance, Insurance Benefits, Iowa Office, Linda Clayton, Retirement Program, Social Security Tax, Step Grandchildren, Stepchildren, Survivors Insurance, U S Department, U S Department Of Health And Human Services, Unfortunate Event, Unmarried Children, Wage Earner, Widower
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