July 31, 2014
Hilltop Campus Village Fall Music Festival – Saturday, September 13, 2014
Everyone is invited to the 5th Annual Hilltop Campus Village Fall Music Festival, It will once again be held at the Hilltop Plaza, 15th and Harrison Streets in Davenport – across from the newly opened Harrison Loft Apartments.
This Free community event provides live music, food vendors, beverages and children’s activities, all with the intention of raising awareness of the revitalization of this historical area of the Quad-City community. This year’s Festival will be held Saturday, September 13 from noon to 10 p.m..
The Music Festival offers fantastic stage entertainment with multiple styles of music, beginning at noon with a gospel performance by Wayne Hodges and the Royal Harmoners. On stage at 3 p.m. will be Dave Schoder and John Fliss. The featured band this year, taking the stage at 7 p.m., is Identity Crisis.
The Music Festival also celebrates the many accomplishments of Hilltop Campus Village
during the past 12 months. These include:
The grand opening of Harrison Lofts in December of 2013. This $8.2 million mixed-use complex represents the largest private sector investment in the Hilltop Campus Village ever recorded.
Parking on Harrison! For the first time in 45 years, people can park their cars on Harrison Street south of Locust.
New 32-space parking lot at 15th and Ripley to serve new Harrison Lofts commercial/
residential complex.
Enhanced electrification of Hilltop Plaza so it can be a place for gatherings like the Fall Music Festival, as well as concerts, weddings, movies, festivals, and church or school-related events.
Hilltop Campus Village was awarded The Best Large Project of the Year at the Main Street Iowa Annual Awards Ceremony in Des Moines.
The Hilltop Campus Village received formal certification at its Annual Assessment by Main Street Iowa, and at the same time was awarded a
$5,000 MSI Business Innovation Challenge Grant for the development of Studio offices suites within their offices spaces at the Priester Building.
Improvement of snow removal on Harrison and Brady became a functional reality this winter season, as the Davenport Department of Public Works agreed to expand their snow removal
policies beyond the downtown and up to the Hilltop.
Hilltop Campus Connection – the first business owners’ social gathering/networking event was held in April.
Paint Iowa Beautiful granted paint to Hilltop Campus Village to use in an exterior wall mural. The design of this mural is in process and we look forward to its completion.
As you can see, we have much to celebrate! Make plans this year to join us for a really fun, entertaining and FREE community event, and re-discover the Hilltop Campus Village, located in the heart of Davenport!