February 29, 2016

The Benefits of Water Exercise

Swimming – Are you curious about the benefits of water exercise? Ever ask yourself, “Why swim?” Well, look no further! Below are some answers to that question!

Why is exercise IN the water better than OUT of the water?

  • Buoyancy:  This water property allows people to do exercises that are difficult on land.  90 % of your body is buoyant when in the water up to your neck, so you are not hitting the floor as hard as you would on land.  No pounding or jarring!
  • Resistance:  There is continual resistance to every move you make.  The water offers 12 to 14 percent more resistance than when you exercise on land.  Resistance does not allow for sudden body movements.
  • Cooling Effects:  Water disperses heat more efficiently, so there is less chance of overheating.  The water continuously cools the body.  Exercise in the water is cooler and more comfortable than it is on land.

Why do people exercise in the water?

  • Fitness:  Getting or keeping in shape.  Remember that you cannot just waddle back and expect great results.  Improving your fitness depends on how much energy you use.
  • Therapeutic: Helping people recover from accidents and sickness.  Combating the aging process.
  • Social: Meeting and being with other people.  You can talk to others as you water exercise.  Workout facing your partner or side-by-side.  Meet new people!
  • Stress Release:  Gives you a chance to just relax and forget about work, problems, and other things.
    Fun:  Enjoying the diversion.  Water exercise in a playful way and don’t worry about being serious!  Laugh and enjoy it!  Water exercise is fun!

How can water exercise help the participants?

Physical Benefits

  • Improved flexibility and strength
  • Builds up endurance
  • Increases muscular flexibility
  • Muscular balance
  • Heart muscle becomes stronger
  • Improves the physique
  • Increases circulation
  • Rehabilitates muscles
  • Improved ability to control and maintain healthy weight

Social Benefits

  • Have fun
  • Fellowship with other people
  • Enjoyable – even when working hard
  • It is a safe program
  • Psychological Benefits
  • Helps develop a positive attitude (individually and as a group)
  • Contributes to a feeling of well-being
  • Teaches patience
  • Releases stress and tension
  • Renews energy

Information from the Bucknell University athletic department

Filed Under: Health & Wellness

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