March 31, 2016

Do You Want to be “Fine”?

McCoy,-KarenBy Karen McCoy
Marketing Director
Ridgecrest Village

When someone asks you how you are today, do you reply with the usual answer, “I’m Fine”? That seems to be how most people respond to the question.  There is a saying that says: Men, if your  wife says she’s “fine” watch out, she’s not “FINE”! There’s also the school of thought that if you put “Fine” in front of wine or dining,  then you’ve really got something.

One thing I have noticed at Ridgecrest is that when you ask people “How are you today” they have a positive, upbeat answer that is a real response, not just a quick response meant to answer the question and get on with what they were doing.  They stop and give you a genuine answer and take the time to visit with you and see how you are. That’s the difference between being cordial and being truly interested in others.  At Ridgecrest, our community is a caring community where people are here for each other. They are here for someone to lean on in times of need and here for each other when they want to do something fun and have some laughs. In today’s world we seem to get so busy  doing  “things” that we don’t take time for one another.  Why were we put on earth if not to help our fellow man?

I believe that my purpose in life is to help others. I am very fortunate to get to go to work every day and be around other people with like minds; people that have intentions of giving and sharing and supporting.  What a wonderful opportunity, to help other people every day and make their lives better, even if it is just a hug because they are hurting. We help others laugh and enjoy life and pray with someone if that’s what they need right at that moment. Sometimes it’s just another person to take time with them.  I remember when you checked on your neighbor if you didn’t see them out and about. Nowadays I’m not sure people even know who their neighbors are, let alone know if they are okay. At Ridgecrest,  we check on everyone every day to be sure they are doing alright. The residents also check on one another just like they did years ago, with real heartfelt concern. It’s a wonderful feeling to go home every day and know that I helped someone that day.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Remember, we weren’t meant to lead ordinary lives. Do you want to be “fine” or do you want to lead an extraordinary life and be a part of other’s lives? After all, isn’t that what everyone wants, someone to care.

If you would like to live in a community where people care and a place when you put “Fine” in front of it, you’ve really got something.  Come see us at Ridgecrest and we can make that difference in your life. Call Karen or Mary for a tour, (563) 391-3430.

Karen McCoy is Marketing Director for Ridgecrest Village in Davenport, Iowa. For more information about Ridgecrest Village, contact Karen at (563) 391-3430.

Filed Under: Community

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