September 29, 2016

State of the Art Care

jdwelanderBy J. D. Welander, M.D.
Davenport Surgical Group, PC

October is breast cancer awareness month. The average woman has a 12 percent chance of developing breast cancer. We have made great progress in our diagnosis and treatment of the disease. It was initially thought that a more radical surgery including removal of the breast, pectoralis muscle, and all axillary lymphatic tissue would allow for a better chance to cure and to remain disease free. This philosophy prevailed until the mid-1970’s!!

We have discovered with research studies that less radical procedures have the same five-year mortality rate. Davenport Surgical Group, PC performs these breast-preserving procedures. With this type of surgery, we remove the area of cancer and the breast is then treated with post-operative radiation. We are proud of the fact that we have a higher percentage than the national average for breast preservation for treatment of breast cancer.

Genetics and 3-D breast imaging have gained a lot of press recently. The new imaging technology allows for earlier detection of breast cancers, hopefully before they have had a chance to spread elsewhere. We are now able to test the genetics of some tumors once they are removed to check the degree of advantage gained by treating with chemotherapy. We are also screening our patients’ family history and discovering that many of our patients qualify for genetic testing which helps to estimate cancer risk for our patients and their family members.

We participate in the McKay Center for Breast Health multi-disciplinary conference involving surgeons, radiologists, oncologists, radiation oncologists, cancer coordinators, a cancer genetic specialist, a clinical trial nurse and oncology nurses to discuss new patients and their treatment plans. This multi-disciplinary approach is necessary to provide the best individualized care and to coordinate their treatment.

Davenport Surgical Group, PC is able to provide state of the art care for our patients who are diagnosed with a breast cancer. This allows patients to have their treatments and follow-up appointments close to home. We are proud of our outcomes and continue to participate in ongoing national cancer studies as we all seek to find a cure for this disease!

JD Welander, MD is a physician at Davenport Surgical Group PC. For more information call (563) 823-9300.

Filed Under: Health & Wellness, News

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