December 1, 2020

Ask the Audiologist

By Kevin Kock, Au.D.
Audiology Consultants, P.C.

Holidays with the Family – How Hearing Aids CAN Help!

The Holiday season is a time for friends, family, and fun. The sweet aroma of cookies and cakes fill the house with joy. Laughter echoes throughout the house as loved ones gather and share precious memories. But for many people with hearing loss, the Holiday season can come with frustration. The punchline of a joke might not be heard. The voices from the little ones might not be so clear, and busy social gatherings can make it challenging to navigate the noise. With times like these, the importance of safely seeing and hearing loved ones has become a priority for many. Fortunately, hearing aids can help!

When fit appropriately to your hearing loss, hearing aids can help by giving you a fuller range of sound. Modern hearing aids have seen a lot of improvements in reducing background noise. That means during those family gatherings you might be able to hear your family and loved ones better. To get started, talk to a certified audiologist to evaluate your hearing. An audiologist is a specialist in balance, hearing loss, and hearing technology. Audiologists especially love to help people like you improve their hearing so they can
communicate with family and loved ones!

To start, the audiologist will talk to you about your hearing loss symptoms, communication difficulties and evaluate your hearing. While considering your current hearing abilities, they will work with you to find a solution that works best for your budget and needs. Once you decide on a hearing aid option that works for you, you will be set up with a hearing aid fitting appointment. At that time, the audiologist will help make sure your new devices are programmed for your hearing loss. They will also make sure you know how to take care of your new hearing aids. After the fit, they will follow-up to ensure that the hearing aids are providing as much help as possible. This way you can enjoy those special moments with your family. To learn more, talk to an audiologist today!

Kevin Kock is an audiologist at Audiology Consultants, P.C. For more information consult our ad in this publication for store locations and phone numbers.

Filed Under: Health & Wellness

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