October 1, 2021

Area Agencies on Aging Offer Social Opportunities for Older Americans

By Mike Mathews
Milestones Area Agency on Aging

Among the many cultural adjustments we have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the change to our social routines may be most notable. And while, we are slowly working our way back towards “normalcy,” many find that their previous social outlets no longer exist. Many restaurants and other social establishments have closed, old friends may have passed, and others are still leary of face-to-face interaction. While our previous routines may no longer be an option, there are several outlets available through your local Area Agency on Aging to form new routines and make new friends.

Milestones Area Agency on Aging, which serves 17 counties in Southeast Iowa, offers a variety of opportunities to get out (or stay in) and connect with others in your local area. Congregate meal sites, known as Milestones Community Cafés, exist throughout the region and offer a great opportunity to not only receive regular nutritious meals, but provide a regular social outlet, in many cases, on a daily basis.

Community Cafés have reopened throughout the state in areas where the senior vaccination rate is 70% or higher. Meals are provided on a contribution basis, and anyone 60+ is welcome. In addition to the meals, many attendees, spend extra time drinking coffee, playing games or just engaging in conversation.

“I love the food and the staff. Most of all, I love seeing my friends for lunch every day,” said Colleen, a Davenport resident and regular Community Café attendee. “These lunches are part of my routine and I consider these folks ‘family.’ ”

In addition to Community Cafés, Milestones also now participates in the Iowa Café program. The goal of the Iowa Cafés is not only to provide a nutritious meal in a social environment to adults 60+, but also to provide meals in areas Milestones would not otherwise be able to serve. There are currently Iowa Café locations in both McCausland and West Liberty and plans are in the work to establish several more in the coming months.

Milestones also offers healthy lifestyle programs which provide a social outlet. These courses, offered as part of Milestones’ Evidence Based Programming, include Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention classes. In addition to the many health benefits of these types of classes, they provide another social outlet in which to interact with others. Classes are currently offered in person at various locations in the region, but also via Zoom, which provides the same lessons and interaction, but through the comfort of your own home.

For caregivers, support groups are available as a safe haven for sharing true feelings about one’s caregiving experiences. Caregivers interreact about the challenges of caregiving and often provide tips and guidance based on their own experiences. Milestones hosts in-person support groups on a monthly basis. Again, virtual support groups are offered as well via Zoom.

Milestones is dedicated to offering safe, healthy social outlets to older Iowans and are always eager to discuss options. If you or someone you know would like more information on any of the above programs, including times and nearby locations, please call us at (855) 410-6222. We are happy to help you get started in the program of your choosing.

Milestones Area Agency on Aging is committed to working with communities and community-based organizations to increase awareness for aging successfully with dignity and independence. We do this by implementing policy with public resources provided by the Federal Administration on Aging and the Iowa Department on Aging.

To learn more about Milestones Area Agency on Aging and the programs we offer, please visit milestonesaaa.org.

Filed Under: Community, Family, Health & Wellness

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