January 5, 2022

Welcome to the Plaza. Welcome to the Hilltop.

The elves of the Hilltop Business Association have been busy transforming the Hilltop Plaza into a magical holiday showplace.

In Autumn, this planter welcomed visitors with its showy plumes of fall foliage.

Now it is a great skating rink for Snoopy and his friends.


The Plaza of The Plaza of the Hilltop Campus Village, located on Harrison just south of 15th Street,
is across the street from the Harrison Lofts.

This inviting green space has a lovely, landscaped area complete with bench right in the middle of the park.

Other landscape enhancements this year include two stone planters on Harrison Street and the maintenance of the flower beds.

Plans for 2022 include more improvements to the lovely lampposts and lights. This will be
“The Town Square” for the Hilltop Campus Village.

Other improvements to the area are the park benches on the north and west corner of 15th and Harrison Streets. This is a great addition for those waiting for a bus, or walkers that want to stop and rest.

The festive park decorations will be on display through the month of January. So come enjoy the sights!

Filed Under: Community

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