April 1, 2022

Ask the Audiologist

By Kevin Kock, Au.D.
Audiology Consultants, P.C.

How Do I Know I Need Hearing Aids?

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), 28.8 million adults in the United States can benefit from hearing aids. Further, between 20 and 30% of adults who could benefit from hearing aids have never used them before. Like many people, you might be wondering if hearing aids are right for you. You might wonder if your hearing loss is “bad enough” to need them. If you have any of the following, it might be a good idea to have further evaluation of your hearing by a licensed audiologist.

  1. Feeling like you can hear people but not understand them (especially in background noise).
  2. Your loved one’s report that you are having hearing difficulties (they are often the first to notice signs!).
  3. You have a history of loud sound exposure from work or recreational hobbies.
  4. You ask people for repetition or to speak up when then they talk.
  5. Any concern for your hearing or hearing loss.
  6. You just don’t feel like you hear as well as you ought to.

Following a hearing test, the audiologist may discuss options for moving forward and if hearing aids are appropriate for you. An audiologist is a masters or doctorate level hearing healthcare professional that specializes in hearing, hearing technology, and balance. They have the training to help you navigate hearing aid options to find a solution that is most appropriate for you. Additionally, we have tips and tricks for good communication that can help you ensure more successful conversations.

Overall, if you are unsure if you need hearing aids it is always a good idea to get your hearing tested. This will allow the audiologist to help document and track any changes in hearing that can occur over time. If you are on the fence, you can always get more information that will assist you in making the correct choice for you. Call your local audiologist today if you have any questions or concerns for your hearing.

Kevin Kock is an audiologist at Audiology Consultants, P.C. For more information consult our ad in this publication for store locations and phone numbers.

Filed Under: Health & Wellness

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