August 1, 2023

A Pause for Poetry

By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.



Barefoot Boy

The barefoot boy walks in the
Morning sun smiling over the
Street. His feet leave delicate
Phantom prints, marking his way
In evanescence. Eyes over early
Coffee follow the boy, a blink in
The matutinal window. He
Registers in passing on orbs
Caffeinating, rising with the dawn,
Urged on by the sun. His bare feet
Move in the routine of the morn.
Eyes out of slumber behold the
Barefoot boy, or think they do. His
Feet pass into memory and depart.


Traveling Man

I am on my journey, a traveling man,
Traveling on. The miles are hard,
The earth of my birth punishes me,
Blisters bloom across my feet and my
Backpack drags me toward the earth
Each punishing step. Life is hard on
My back and feet, the miles and miles
Trammel me, I have far to go. My load
Racks my back and blisters festoon my
Feet, the journey tries my soul, yet I go
On. I push on, I push on over the hard,
Arduous earth, I am going home. I keep
Traveling on, so far to go, so many miles
Yet to go, yet I keep traveling on.

Filed Under: Community, Personal Growth

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