September 1, 2023

“I Used to Be Able to Do So Much More”

Realizing your identity as a human being
is based on more than how you physically
can move is just one step in being content
with your current reality.

By Logan Anderson, BA, CPT, CIFT
Owner of All Strong Fitness LLC

One of the things that I have noticed when working with older adults is the frequent “back in my day” conversation. Discussions of their time as a collegiate athlete, being a four-sport athlete in high school, or just recreationally active fills the air. Shortly after, feelings of unworthiness ensue because of the inability of their current body to function at even a fraction of the “glory days.” If this sounds anything like your experience in life, or someone you know, I hope to give you a different perspective about this situation that eases the anxiety you have about being able to do as much as you used to be able to.

When anyone gets older, the loss of strength and stamina is almost always prevalent. Despite working out, focusing heavily on nutrition, and keeping sleep a top priority, decades pile on and it seems as if your body is working against you. In this scenario, I think a different mindset about our body needs to be had. A mindset not about perfection, but acceptance.

When you accept where your body currently is physically, and what it is able to do, you are able to lower the extra anxiety associated with the body NOT being able to perform as well as you used to. Through this lens, you quickly realize that the anxiety isn’t about your body and how it’s currently functioning. It’s about how it works compared to how it USED to work, and what this could mean for your future health and independence. Just think, you are adding extra stress and anxiety to your body about not performing well, which adds another reason for your body to not work well. By accepting your current status of physical capability and doing what you can to improve (slowly and surely), the negative feelings associated with your body can be molded into more positive ones; such as feelings of self-worth, gratitude for being able to move at all, and the joy to be part of the world.

Our physical body is just one small aspect of us as a whole. Realizing your identity as a human being is based on more than how you physically can move is just one step in being content with your current reality. Whether you are moving better than ever, or struggling to get out of your bed everyday, be kind to yourself and grateful to whatever life your body is giving you today.

Logan Anderson is the owner of All Strong Fitness LLC. For more information, please visit

Filed Under: Health & Wellness

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