October 30, 2023

A Pause for Poetry

By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.

Old Oak Friend of Mine

The old oak tree at my window, friend
Of mine through years and seasons,
Scenic beauty and solitary vedette for
Me. And now the autumnal, blazing,
Vivid palette fades past apogee array,
Delicate, withered habiliment of leaves
Fast scatter in the wind into fields and
Valleys around. The leaves of my old
Oak fall mortally to the earth of their
Nativity, drift brittle and golden away
From me. Leaves once spring green, I
Knew so well, leaves of old oak friend
Of mine, scatter to destiny, kismet of
Leaves, aeolian-borne leaves return to
Oaken circle whence they were born.


Brook Lullaby 

I stop in epiphany under a parasol
Pine on a little knoll, a brook near
Murmurs a lullaby over polished,
Pristine stones, aqueous, restive,
Lapidary for my weary soul, so
Refreshing, I recall my baby time.
A rising, gentle breeze, scented in
Evergreen, rocks my cradle again.
The symphonic trill of birds in the
Trees sing the beloved bliss, joy
Ineffable at my birth of this earth.
The brook lullaby murmurs on.

Filed Under: Health & Wellness, Personal Growth

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