October 30, 2023

Too Old to Work Out?

By Logan Anderson, BA, CPT, CIFT
Owner of All Strong Fitness LLC

Since the day you were born, your life has been a continuous series of firsts. You had your first words, first friend, first vacation, and of course that memorable date (hopefully.) Despite all of that, there is a substantial portion of people who haven’t experienced their “first” encounter with regular exercise. Drawing from my extensive experience with thousands of seniors, I would guess that roughly half of them have never delved into formal “exercise” beyond sporadic walks. Furthermore, I’d also say that almost one-third of the seniors I’ve talked to have never engaged in structured physical activities beyond their daily routines, such as the simple tasks of putting away laundry, walking to the mailbox, or standing in line at the post office. This is a matter of concern for me, as many seniors give up, under the belief that they are “too old to exercise.” This article seeks to provide you with a new perspective, emphasizing that age should never stand in the way and putting light to the numerous advantages of exercise, regardless of your current capabilities.

First and foremost, if you’re breathing today, exercise can bring benefits to you. Regardless of whether you’re dealing with dementia, using a wheelchair, or managing chronic pain that has spanned years, exercise can transform your life incredibly fast. What many older adults fail to realize is that exercise isn’t confined to intense runs or strenuous weightlifting. Exercise should be personalized to match your abilities and preferences. The key is to engage in exercise that you genuinely enjoy. To illustrate, consider this lady I currently work with; she’s remarkably fit for someone I would estimate is between 60-70 (I rarely ask people’s age because that puts a label on them as “old”). What makes her story remarkable is that not long ago, she was battling cancer and enduring the physical toll of treatment. She was incredibly ill and in pain during this period, compounded by the struggle of the pandemic. But as soon as the pandemic subsided, she felt comfortable stepping out into the world, embracing community activities and exercise. She started her journey slowly, gradually building up her exercise regimen, attending numerous classes each week, and briskly walking for several minutes daily. Today, she’s in fantastic shape, effortlessly mastering balance and strength exercises. I had the pleasure of her sharing a video of herself jumping rope with her grandkids. Her dedication to meeting herself where she was and working daily towards her goals serves as a shining example that, regardless of how “ill” or “aged” you may perceive yourself, there is always room for improvement.

So, how can this story become your story? If exercise is a foreign concept to you, the first step is to explore the kinds of exercise that pique your interest. If you don’t find enjoyment in your exercise, even if it’s effective, your commitment will wane. Consistency is key to reaping the rewards of exercise. If you’re new to the world of exercise, consider watching instructional videos online, seeking a free consultation and tour at a local gym, or tapping into the expertise of a family member or friend well-versed in exercise. This will introduce you to a world of exercise possibilities. The next step is to choose an exercise routine that aligns with your current life situation. For some, doing a one-hour walk three times a week will suffice, while others may prefer a chair-based exercise program at a senior center (or on my YouTube channel, All Strong Fitness) twice a week. The specifics are less important than your ability to stick with it and envision yourself maintaining it for the next month. After that month, you can reassess, make adjustments to your routine, and continue progressing. Remember.. consistency and patience, with your ultimate goal as a constant reminder of why you started this journey, are the keys to success.

Logan Anderson is the owner of All Strong Fitness LLC. For more information, please visit allstrongfitness.org.

Filed Under: Community, Health & Wellness, Personal Growth

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