April 1, 2024



By Eloise Graham

April recognizes all those who give of their time and energy during National Volunteer Month. Who is a volunteer? A volunteer is a person that does something for other people or for an organization, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it. What is volunteering? The act of volunteering is providing help or service to a person or organization for no financial gain. What is gained by volunteering? Volunteering provides physical and mental rewards. It reduces stress. Experts report that when you focus on someone other than yourself, the tension-producing patterns of your life will be interrupted. You will be healthier. Moods and emotions, like optimism and joy will strengthen your immune system. Volunteers are passionate, reliable, team players, patient, creative, energetic, positive, willing to help.

What percentage of the American population volunteers? According to a report compiled between September 2020 to September 2021, just under 25% of the population or more than 60.7 million people volunteered in their communities. This translated to an estimated 4.1 billion hours with an economic value of $122.9 billion. This reported number has decreased somewhat since the early 2000s by about 3%. Volunteers are most likely to be Baby Boomers, Gen Xers or Millennials.*

But these are statistics of reported formal volunteering. I would guess that the number is much, much higher. Any act of helping a neighbor or pitching in to do physical labor for someone is an act of volunteering. Taking a friend to the doctor, carrying someone’s groceries, walking a 5K for an organization are all forms of volunteering. Had you even thought of that? You might be a career volunteer and didn’t even know it.

What are some of the volunteer opportunities offered in our community? Some that immediately come to mind are United Way of the Quad Cities, Milestones Area Agency on Aging, CASI (Center for Active Seniors, Inc.) Blood Bank, Food Banks, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, Alzheimer’s Association, Medical Centers, Heart Association, Red Cross, Cancer Society, Sunrise Village, Rock Island County Senior Center, Hand in Hand, Habitat for Humanity, Arc of the Quad Cities, New Kingdom Trailriders, Special Olympics, Senior Olympics,Veteran’s programs, animal shelters, libraries, reading programs at the elementary schools, your local house of worship, community gardens, Gilda’s Club… oh, the list could go on and on. The local service clubs like Rotary, Kiwanis, Lion’s Club and the like all do service projects that are run and carried out by volunteers.

So a big thank you to all of you for volunteering, whether it is several hours a week or just opening the door for someone, this month honors you!

*Baby Boomers are those born 1946 to 1964, Gen X  born 1965 to 1980, Millennials born 1981 to 1996.

Filed Under: Community, Health & Wellness, News

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