Posts Tagged Iowa State University

  • Yard and Garden: Onions and Garlic

    By Richard Jauron Iowa State University Extension Scott County Harvesting vegetables at the right stage of maturity results in high quality, nutritious products. If properly harvested and stored, onions and garlic will keep most of their original flavor and food value for months. Iowa State Uni...

  • Yard and Garden: Late Summer and Early Fall Plantings

    By Richard Jauron Iowa State University Extension Scott County Creating a beautiful, functioning landscape depends on putting the right plant in the right place at the right time. Iowa State University Extension horticulturists describe the correct plants and care to give late summer and early ...

  • The Iowa Straw Poll:  Top-Flight Candidates, Serious Journalism and Us The Iowa Straw Poll: Top-Flight Candidates, Serious Journalism and Us

    In and Out of the Quad-Cities Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall A couple of weekends ago, Iowa enjoyed the international news spotlight. It didn’t matter what channel you tuned into – it was all Iowa all the time. Somehow, the people of Iowa have positioned themselves as the bellweth...

  • Yard and Garden: Tomato Disorders

    By Richard Jauron Iowa State University Extension Scott County Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable crop in Iowa. Many diseases and disorders can affect tomatoes during the growing season. Iowa State University Extension specialists describe the symptoms and management of common problems. To...

  • Weather-related Livestock Losses may Qualify for Indemnity Program

    By Denise Schwab Iowa State University Extension Scott County Producers who have lost livestock from the recent wind storms or heat may be eligible for payment through the Livestock Indemnity Program. Iowa State University (ISU) Extension beef program specialist Denise Schwab said the "Food, Co...

  • My Plate’s Message: Proportions

    By Sarah Francis Director of Marketing Iowa State University Extension Scott County The USDA released the new food icon “MyPlate” on June 2, 2011. The intent of the new icon is to simplify the dietary guidance included in the Dietary Guidelines 2010 and MyPyramid. MyPlate is not intended t...

  • Yard and Garden: Strawberries

    By Richard Jauron Iowa State University Extension Scott County The strawberry is the most popular small fruit grown in the home garden. It is relatively easy to grow, produces large quantities of fruit high in vitamin C without requiring extra equipment and can be grown in home gardens all over...

  • Plan Ahead to Reduce the Impact of Natural Disasters

    Information from Iowa State University Scott County Extension Before natural disasters strike, families should develop emergency plans and create emergency supply kits. This message is one Iowa State University Extension hopes Iowans will take seriously. Planning before the storm clouds gather an...