Posts Tagged Broadway Series

  • In and Out of the Quad Cities In and Out of the Quad Cities

    Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall The Theatre Did you know that “theatergoer” was a word? As we were writing this section we were playing around with the names of people who work around stage productions. That’s when we discovered it. Our guess is that unless you were one o...

  • In and Out of the Quad Cities In and Out of the Quad Cities

    Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall At Stitches Midwest Back in the sixties Dr. Timothy Leary coined, “turn on, tune in…”.  For those of us “turned on and tuned in” to knitting, Stitches Midwest in Schaumburg, Illinois is the Super Bowl, World Series and Oscar’s all rolled in...